ABB MSR04X1模块优势备货该卡将诊断的当前总长度存储在masDiagLen和
即使块号或站号更改,您的应用程序也可能仍然扫描块列表以查找与中的名称关联的块从机指定数据区。ABB MSR04X1模块优势备货
ABB MSR04X1模块优势备货The card stores the total current length of the diagnostics in masDiagLen and
the maximum possible diagnostics length in masDiagMaxLen.If the
maximum diagnostic length is less than 32,the card stores the extended
diagnostic data in the masDiagData array with the final two bytes stored in
masDiagExtOfs.If the maximum length is greater than 32,the first 24 bytes
of extended data are stored in masDiagData and masDiagExtOfs contains the
offset into the masCntrlExt area(3000h-3FFFh in the masCntrl page)where
the remainder of the diagnostic data is found.Always check the current length in masDiagLen before reading the diagnostics since the length of the diagnostic data sent by the slave may change.The host can assign a designation string of up to 12 characters to each slave.
ABB MSR04X1模块优势备货The host stores it in the masDesig array in the master control block for the
slave.This data is not sent out on the network to the slave.The host
application can use it to associate a specific slave with a configuration block,
then access the slave by name rather than by block number.For example,
even if block numbers or station numbers changed,your application could
still scan through the block list to find the block associated with the name in
the slave designation data area.ABB MSR04X1模块优势备货